Hello families of Lions Gate Montessori!
I’m excited to share your child’s gallery with you! The ones you see in this gallery are the best photos created within the short time we had together. When you see these photographs I hope you will see your child’s personality shining through - they are magic!
And now for some next steps…..please read through carefully.
You will receive an email with a link to your child/children'’s private gallery.
Follow the instructions for How to Order (see below).
The SHOP tab is where you can purchase (print or digital options).
Click on the gallery link provided in the email.
Register with your name and email address.
Scroll to look at the photos and heart your favourites.
To purchase, go to the SHOP tab (beside GALLERY tab, or located at the bottom of the page).
You have 2 categories: Print Packages (3 options) or Digital Downloads (3 options). There are also enlarged print items you can add-on for your print packages. You can add both print and digital packages to one cart.
Your gallery will expire on THURSDAY May 16th, 2024. Please note that for any late orders, there will be a cost of $25 to reopen the gallery.
STEP 1. Choose the categories you’d like to purchase.
For prints and wall display, choose a print package --> Start Customizing. Then drag and drop the image you want for that print size. If crop adjustment is required (like for 5x7”, 8x10 and 11x14”), click on the photo and position the photo within the crop boundaries. Click Done to move on to the next size. To complete your order, Add to Cart. You’ll be prompted to check the box “I acknowledge photos are being cropped to fit printed size” before you checkout.
For digital photos, choose a digital download option, Click Start Customizing, then drag and drop the selected image for that child. Click Done Editing, then Add to Cart.
STEP 2. Check out.
Once you are ready, double check your order. Continue to Payment, Place Order. You will be notified that your order will need approval by me.
Please wait until you receive an invoice from me before you forward payment. I will send you an invoice with the total and GST added on within 24 hours of your order. Payment is due TUESDAY May 21st, 2024. A fee will be charged for late payments.
To eliminate the physical handling of cash or cheques, payment is kindly accepted by:
(1) email transfer (to chang.felicia@gmail.com) - preferred.
(2) or, credit card (via STRIPE).
Digital products will be available for download by May 31st, 2024.
Digital class photos (available with any digital or print order) will be delivered via email.
Print Products will be shipped to school by June 15, 2024.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me with the button below or text me at 604-961-6592.